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Have Low CRS?? What Should I Do?


Updated: Mar 16, 2021

Coping with Low CRS???? Don`t Worry, contact us #Nisha`s
Coping with Low CRS????

The biggest question that baffles a CANADIAN PR aspirant is-

“I have a low CRS? Do I still stand a chance of getting through the PR process? Or should I even create my application in the Express Entry pool?”

I have come across these questions numerous times from candidates who are already in the pool or who are aspiring to get in the pool... My first suggestion to these candidates has always been to get his/her profile analyzed or speak to any professional, to get a clear and detailed insight on the profile.

I also come across another question -

“Why does one need professional help or advice, when everything is available online”.

Yes, in today’s era, a lot of information is available online which may help in a certain way but with positives also come the negatives. Making a sense of this whole bunch of information available, to be able to verify the facts, and to differentiate between what is right and what is wrong is altogether a professional ballgame. Instead of helping, self-analysis of the data may on the other hand cause more damage to one’s profile. When one speaks to any professional they are able to guide you better as they carry with them years of hands-on experience of handling tricky and difficult situations.

There are many ways with which one can increase the CRS. One of the most variable factors in calculating the CRS is the language proficiency test i.e. IELTS for self and spouse. If one has CLB 7 or 8 in IELTS aiming for CLB 9 will help in increasing the points. One may also consider getting his/her spouse to appear for IELTS as he/she can contribute up to 20 points in CRS which eventually will make a lot of difference. Bear in, mind every single point in the pool counts.

Another way of adding more points to CRS is the addition of at least one year PG program from any of AICTE approved or UGC approved institutes. It will boost up CRS points manifold. On the other hand, getting an ECA done for his/her accompanying spouse also may up to 10 points.

Even if one has low CRS, one should definitely be present in the pool. Application in the pool is valid for 1 year. Updation in the application is permissible anytime during this one year, thereby increasing the points, as applicable. While one is in the pool one must try using the Job bank (though not a mandatory option) and connect with employers in Canada. There is a good probability, for candidates, of getting a valid job offer from the Canadian employer, which will again enhance your CRS thereby improving the chances of getting an ITA quickly.

Another one of the most prominent ways to add points in your CRS is through Provincial Nominee Programs (PNP). Canada is divided into 10 provinces and 3 territories. Every province has its own different streams and criteria to qualify. One may not fit in all programs but still may fit in at least one of the programs. Successful nomination from any of the provinces will add 600 CRS points thereby increasing the chances of getting an ITA sooner. There was a time when candidates who were present in the pool were invited on a CRS as low as 300 points.

As per the immigration plans for 2021-2023, Canada aims to welcome as many as 400000 immigrants for this current year. In the latest Interview Minister Mendicino assured that Canada’s current immigration targets are realistic and they have a plan in place to achieve the targets which will be likely through the Express Entry pool and they are continuing to process the applications so that the candidates can later move to Canada post Pandemic.

So don’t delay, get in the Pool as you may never know when and what will work in your favor. After all,

“Opportunity dances with those, who are already on the dance floor”.


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